About us

Everything started from a point.

The love for natural materials, the attention for our environment both considered an epiphany and a teaching the choice of bio-products are our everyday key points.

Bemer è

Bemer is

  • Co-operation with architects and interior designer in order to choose the finishing materials for their customers.
  • Be beside the private customers during the choice of materials for their home of dreams.
  • quality control also through the cost control for builders in order to offer low-cost material always.
  • customize the choice for each project.

Un nuovo inizio

Dopo 50 anni di attività Bemer ha consolidato la sua nuova identità per rappresentare al meglio la filosofia dell’azienda. Da un’evoluzione del logo di “Bemer Marmi” e “La Ceramica” nasce BEMER - materiali soluzioni finiture.
Bemer marmi Bemer La ceramica